Learn more about our Yoga / Pilates Instructors

Usha Leason

Yoga Teacher & Ayurveda Food/Health Coach

Instagram: @Usha_yogaveda

Whatsapp : +52-415-111-8865

Email : yogavedalife@gmail.com

Usha is a yoga teacher and Ayurveda food/health coach who also offers Ayurvedic massages for women and lead detoxes.


Fridha Chacon Hernandez

pilates Instructor

Instagram: @Pilatesreformersma

Phone : +52-415-117-7394

Email : pilatesreformersma@gmail.com

Fridha offers private pilates classes on Reformer and will create a personalized program through which she will support you in your progression towards your goals.

about Fridha

Akhila Tapia

yoga & meditation retreat leader

Instagram : @Yogakhila

Email : akhilatapia@gmail.com

Currently dedicated to organizing yoga & meditation retreats, Akhila teaches yoga classes & workshops in various studios and also organizes holistic events for private and business groups in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico City, Querétaro, and Leon.

ABOUT Akhila

Fabienne Yoga Studio

Yoga Instructor

Facebook: @fabiennesyogastudio

Website: www.qhhtbyfabienne.com/yoga

Email: fmgprivate@gmail.com

Fabienne Gauthier is an international master yoga teacher and spiritual intuitive in service to the Light. She shares her intuitive guidance and techniques to restore the body and to lead you to remember who you really are and to heal your wounds. 

about fabienne

Pilar Romo

yoga & personal trainer

Instagram : @hipopresivos_piliromo

Email : pilaricaphoto@gmail.com

Phone : +52-415-115-8762

Pilar is a certified Hypopressive exercise instructor from the Spanish International School of Low Pressure Fitness. She has 6 years experience leading group and private classes both in person and online for people all over the world.


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